1 Hour Health Coaching Session or Menla Scan


Why Choose Barrett Wellness:

  • Menla Scan Technology: Effective information for better wellness plans and measurable results.
  • Proven Results: Our clients have experienced remarkable transformations, from improved health and vitality to increased happiness and life satisfaction. Check out our reviews on Google.
  • Holistic Approach: We believe that wellness encompasses every aspect of your life, and our coaching reflects this. We address your entire well-being, including nutrition, lifestyle, brain health, and more.
  • Ongoing Support: Your coaching session is just the beginning. We are here to support you on your wellness journey, offering additional sessions and guidance as needed.
  • Personalized Assessment: We’ll start with a Menla Scan and assess your current health, medications, supplements, and diet habits. This assessment provides a solid foundation for your wellness plan. We will build you a personalized wellness plan to help you meet your current health goals and offer health coaching to provide you with accountability.
  • Goal Setting: Together, we’ll define your short-term and long-term wellness objectives, ensuring they are realistic and attainable.
  • Customized Wellness Plan: Based on your assessment and goals, Jacqueline will craft a personalized wellness plan tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle.
  • Guidance and Support: Throughout the consultation, you’ll receive expert advise, guidance, insights, and practical strategies to kickstart your journey to vibrant health.

Invest in Yourself:

Your health is your most valuable asset, a health coaching session is an investment in your well-being. Say goodbye to unhealthy habits, short-term thinking, and unfulfilled potential. Embrace the opportunity to “Give Up” what’s holding you back and take the first step toward becoming the best version of yourself.

Schedule a Health Coaching session today to embark on your wellness journey.

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1 Hour Health Coaching Session or Menla Scan

Use this to pay for a health coaching session for yourself or someone else.  After purchase, you will have 1 hour to use toward our services.


Session Highlights:

  • Menla Scan Technology: Provides 128 Physiological Markers in less than 5 minutes.
  • Menla Scan Review of Results: We spend 40 minutes reviewing your scan.
  • Schedule a Personalized Health Coaching Session
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from Jacqueline’s extensive knowledge and expertise as a certified integrated health coach. She is also certified in Nutrition, Berg Method Body Typing, and Brain Health. She has 10 years’ experience as a health coach to provide you with evidence-based insights and actionable steps to help you achieve your goals.
  • Accountability: set realistic goals, track your progress, and keep you accountable to ensure you stay on the path to success.
  • Holistic Approach
  • Personalized Nutrition Plan
  • Personalized Supplement Guidance
  • Brain Health Professional Coach
  • Goal Setting and Accountability
  • Stress Management
  • Flexible Scheduling: If you need to schedule an appointment after hours text our office at (918) 895-1129 and Jacqueline will get back to you.

Your health is the most valuable asset you have.  Invest in your health and create a lifestyle that aligns with your values and aspirations. Here at Barrett Wellness, we recognize everyone as a bio-individual needing a personalized plan to meet your health goals. Whether you are seeking work-life balance, stress relief, or improved health and personal growth, our health coaching sessions can empower you to make positive changes and live your best life.  Take the first step and schedule a health coaching session today.

Why Choose Barrett Wellness:

  • Proven Results
  • Holistic Approach
  • Ongoing Support
  • Personalized Assessment
  • Goal Setting
  • Guidance and Support

Invest in Yourself:

Your health is your most valuable asset, a health coaching session is an investment in your well-being. Say goodbye to unhealthy habits, short-term thinking, and unfulfilled potential. Embrace the opportunity to “Give Up” what’s holding you back and take the first step toward becoming the best version of yourself.

Ready to embark on your wellness journey?

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