Nutrition Guidance

Nourish Your Body, Transform Your Life

Welcome to Barrett Wellness’s Nutrition Guidance services. Discover the power of functional nutrition, gain a deeper understanding of healthy eating, and embark on a journey to better health and well-being with the guidance of our experienced coach, Jacqueline Wade.

Why engage in nutrition guidance?


    • Personalized Nutrition: We believe in individualized nutrition plans that cater to your unique needs, preferences, and goals. We take your food allergies and sensitivities into account when we develop your wellness plan.

    • Expert Guidance: Jacqueline is a Licensed & Certified Integrative Health Coach with extensive knowledge in nutrition and supplementation. She has a passion for helping you make informed dietary choices.

    • Holistic Approach: We take into account not only what you eat but also how it fits into your overall lifestyle and wellness goals.

What is our approach?

When seeking good health it is important to know that although your food choices may not have caused your illness; healthy food choices, in many instances, will correct health issues.  Barrett Wellness takes a comprehensive approach to understanding and optimizing your diet for improved health. It goes beyond fad diets and restrictions, focusing on balanced, sustainable eating habits that support your well-being and fit your lifestyle. 

What to Expect


    • Nutrition Assessment: When it comes to your diet we start by assessing your current eating habits, dietary preferences, and wellness goals.

    • Personalized Nutrition Plan: Based on your assessment, Jacqueline will create a tailored nutrition plan designed to meet your specific needs.

    • Education and Support: You’ll receive expert guidance on making healthier food choices, understanding nutritional labels, and developing sustainable eating habits.

    • Ongoing Coaching: Regular coaching sessions are to help keep you accountable.  Regular weekly or monthly sessions ensure you stay on track and receive the support you need to achieve your health goals.

Get Started Today

Ready to transform your health and improve your nutrition knowledge? Schedule a health coaching session with Jacqueline and take the first step towards a healthier you.

Get Scheduled Today

Contact Us

Have questions or need more information about our services? Feel free to reach out to us:


    • Phone: (918) 985-1129

Nourish Your Body, Transform Your Life

Nutrition is the way to transform your health. Join us at Barrett Wellness and discover how to be empowered to make healthier choices, nourish your body, and transform your life. We’re here to support you on your journey to get better, feel better, and look better.