Get Better - Feel Better - Look Better

Your Journey to Better Health Starts Here


At Barrett Wellness, we believe, everyone deserves to live a healthy, vibrant life. Our mission is to guide you on your path to better health, helping you to Get Better, Feel Better, and Look Better.

Having a knowledgeable partner supporting your health and wellness journey helps guide you to success.

Jacqueline has 10 years of experience. She is a Certified Nutritionist; an Amen Clinic’s Brain Health Professional, and a Berg Method Health Coach with 9 years of experience as a supplement specialist.

Health Coaching

Discover a personalized approach to wellness that fits your unique needs and lifestyle.

Our health coaching sessions are designed to empower you to make positive, lasting changes to your health with measurable results.



Health issues aren’t always caused by a poor diet, however; the right diet can correct many health issues. Learn the foundations of a balanced diet and make healthier food choices that nourish your body and mind. Jacqueline has studied over 100 different dietary theories. She can help choose one that will help you reach your health goals. 


Explore the benefits of supplements.

Learn how they can support and/or improve your overall health and well-being.

Learn how to eat better and reduce the amount of supplements needed to stay healthy


Brain Health

Unlock the potential of your brain.

Learn strategies that improve cognitive function and mental clarity. 

Learn about your cranial nerves and how to improve their functionality. 



Embrace a healthy lifestyle that promotes well-being and happiness in all aspects of your life. 

Improve your work/life balance without guilt.

Strengthen your family’s well-being without breaking the bank. 

I've never felt better in my life. Jacqueline's guidance and support have been life-changing.
Sarah D

Have you ever thought about the concept of giving up? Yes, you read that right – giving up. It might sound counterintuitive, but sometimes, giving up can be the key to unlocking your true potential and achieving success…

Hey there, wellness enthusiasts! Have you ever wondered why the reported number of flu cases each year might not tell the whole story? Well, it turns out that many folks who catch the flu simply tough it out at home without ever reporting it to their doctor. But fear not, because there’s something you can do to help improve this situation and protect your community’s health…

In a world often measured by material wealth, it’s easy to forget that true riches come in various forms. Wealth isn’t solely defined by the size of your bank account; it extends to the abundance of time, resources, skills, talents, friendships, compassion, and empathy that you possess. The real question is not whether you’re wealthy, but rather, how do you choose to use your wealth to make a difference in the lives of others? The answer lies in the art of “paying it forward” or “paying it back,” and the choice is yours.

In the pursuit of vibrant health and lasting well-being, having a knowledgeable and compassionate wellness coach by your side can make all the difference. At Barrett Wellness, we are proud to introduce you to Jacqueline, the heart and soul behind our mission to help you lead a healthier, happier life.

Your Path to Better Health and Wellness Starts Now

Your well-being is worth investing in. Begin your journey to better health with Barrett Wellness, where we’ll work together to create a customized plan that fits your needs and aspirations.


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